Sources of income

Sources of income
Decreased and Depletion of livelihood sources: The primary occupation of most of the Chenchus is collection and sale of Non Timber Forest produce (NTFP) and some of them depend on agriculture in the forest lands and assigned lands given by ITDA after relocation into the plain areas.

Due to relocation, Chenchus of many habitations have been alienated from the lands in the forest enclosures and this loss is not fully compensated by the ITDA through land purchase and development programme. 

Forest department is taking up tree planting operations in the lands left behind by the chenchus. The relocation didn’t result in creating new livelihoods and on the other hand it has imposed burden of travelling more distance to collect forest produce.

Trainings: ITDA has initiated training Programmes in Bee keeping, Fashion Tech’logy, Motor winding, Tailoring, Driving, etc. 

Lack of interest from the community and proper monitoring and follow up action by the ITDA team, the anticipated benefits are not being reaped by the Chenchu Community. 

The trainings have benefited ITDA staff and the organizers of the training programmes. Chenchu youth who have been trained in different trades are still idle or continuing in the old activity

Agriculture: plough bullocks, seeds and land development activities are supposed to be taken up regularly under the agriculture programme. 

Every year, a fair amount of budget is provided to buy more than150 pairs of plough bullocks, but the Officials have a different practice.


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