Health status of chenchu

Under immunization strengthening project the care of the pregnant mothers and new born infants is expected to be taken care of by ensuring a coordinated effort jointly by Health and Angan Wadi Workers. 

A printed record sheet for each pregnant lady and new born infant marking the periodicity of each variety of immunization and vaccines and tablets like iron and Nutrition supplement is maintained.

The government of Andhra Pradesh has recognized the high rate of maternal and infant deaths ands has initiated a targeted programme - Reproductive Child Health (phase two) progamme to end preventable maternal and infant deaths.

The objectives of RCH are 1.To reduce IMR from 59 to 25, MMR 349 to 80 and Institutional deliveries 63% to 100%. The target is to be achieved not only among the general population but also Schedule Castes and Tribes. 

The programmes introduced under RCH are 1- Voluntary Health workers Scheme. 2- Emergency Health Transport and 3- Provision of Specialist Services in 108 hospitals round the clock for institutional deliveries.

It is observed that due to several reasons including remoteness of the place, lack of transport facilities, fear of wild animals, varying periodicity of each case as well as the ignorance and apathy of the Chenchu Community, the expected periodic coordinated immunization is delivered tardily.

 There is tendency to tamper with expected periodicity, club more than one or two patients as well, as vaccines and injections are administered in one visit. The reliability of the record sheets is doubtful.


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