Education in tribal

Right from the Director, Tribal Welfare Department Government of Andhra Pradesh to an attender in the Residential School 

Early Childhood Education: Learning environment which is conducive for promotion of social, emotional and esthetic Development of child is totally absent in the Angan Wadi Centers located in the Chenchu habitations.

Preschool activities like children coming to a common place, singing songs and playing games is not found in the habitations. On the other hand children come to a common place at a particular time and collect the N. Supplement and leave the premises immediately. 

Pre school material like story cards, charts, indoor and outdoor play material puzzles, school readiness kits are not supplied to all the Angam Wadi and Mini Angan Wadi Centers in the area. Angan Wadi Workers are not recruited to the entire mini Angan Wadi Centres.

Health status of Chenchu Community: Diseases are caused due to unhygienic and insanitary conditions prevailing in and around the houses in Chenchu habitations. 

Drinking water sources like wells, tanks and streams get contaminated due to mixing of human excreta from open defecation. Animals that are tied in the houses also contribute to the cause of certain diseases. 

Common diseases that are afflicting the Chenchus are respiratory tract diseases, gastric disorders, Scabies, Malaria, Viral fevers, eye infections. Epidemics due to Gastro Enteritis and Malaria are regular feature.

MMR, IMR and Mortality among the Chenchu community: Infant mortality (IMR) is due to measles, diarrhea and diseases associated with malnutrition. . The major cause of MMR is mal nutrition, low literacy levels among Chenchu women, child marriages. Deep roots of orthodox thinking, lack of care for women’s health, medical facilities, immunization services and inadequacy of interval between two children.

As per the Tribal Cultural Research and Training Institute the IMR and MMR among the Chenchus is 215 and -700 ( 7for 1000 live births) respectively. Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA) processed 250 death claims of Chenchus during 2005-2006.


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