Tribal community

Project tribal development

The Chenchu Community in all the habitations has been pressing us from time to time not to leave interaction with them midway. 

They have been requesting us to remain in the area for few more years to guide and instruct them so that they can continue on their own, the activities like vegetable cultivation, accessing of health services,extraction of gum, honey and making of leaf plates.

Project title: Advocacy and capacity building for Health, Education and Development of the Primitive Tribal Group i.e. Chenchu living in the Nallamallai areas of Andhra Pradesh.

Programme area: Nallamallai Forest areas of Prakasham district of Andhra Pradesh.

Andhra Pradesh is the traditional home for 33 Tribal Groups mostly living on the hills, in valleys and forests except a few tribes like Yanadi and Yerukala who are exclusively confined to the plain areas. Lambdas are found both in the plains and the hilly areas.

8 tribes of the 33 scheduled tribes of A.P have been recognized as Primitive Tribal Groups (P T Gs) by Government of India, basing on criteria like pre Agricultural Economy, low Literacy and stagnant or declining Population. 

The Chenchu was the first tribe to be declared as P T G in the year 1975. The other P T Gs are Kollam, Konda Reddy, Konda Savara, Gadaba, Ghond, Porja and Thoti.

The Chenchus of Andhra Pradesh: The Chenchus are found in Nallamallai Forest areas of Mahaboob Nagar, Prakasham, Kurnool, Guntur, Nalgonda Districts and plain areas of Ranga Reddy District of Andhra Pradesh. 

Following Immigration of the relatively advanced Tribes and non Tribals, relocation of the Chenchu habitations and the implementation of a certain forest laws, their habitat has under gone a sea change, bringing in its wake not only adverse economic conditions but also psychological and cultural effects. 

Chenchus enmass shift from one place to another and therefore the number of habitations varies from time to time.

Most of the Chenchu families are of nuclear type and the average size is 4.38, which is considered to be very small and it can be attributed to under utilization/non availability of Medical services and high incidence of Morbidity and Mortality. 

With regard to occupation basically the Chenchus are food gatherers, hunters. Recently a few Chenchu families have taken to Agriculture here and there and also started working as labourers and also migrating to far off places like Meghalaya.

Out of the 312 Chenchu habitations, 124 are found in the wild life sanctuary. These habitations are in the districts of Mahabub Nagar, Prakasham, Kurnool and Guntur. Out of these 124 habitations, 24 are in the core area of the tiger project.


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