Food habits of chenchu

The Chenchus collect Non Timber Forest Produce (NTFP) items like gum, Tamarind, honey and myrobalms and sell them at the Girijan Cooperative Corporation (GCC) depots and purchase essential commodities like rice, pulses, chillies, oils, salt etc from G.C.C. depots. 

During lean season they collect roots, tubers and leaves from the forest and subsist on them.

The culinary habits of Chenchus were simple. Chenchus eat Ambali (gruel) sankati, roti and cooked rice called Annam. Ambali is prepared with jowar, ragi or bajra. 

The grains are pounded to remove outer layer, washed in water and again re pounded. The repounded grain is cooked in water and consumed after adding salt to it. 

Sankati is also prepared with pounded cereals like ragi, jowar and bajra. The pounded cereals are poured into boiling water and stirred with wooden spoon till it becomes semi solid. 

Sankati is then eaten with chutney or other curry. Recently Ambali and sankati is replaced by rice, which is supplied by G.C.C through Public Distribution system.

The most common chutney/curry of chenchus is karam or thokku prepared with chillies. Chillies are grounded into a paste by adding onions, salt and tamarind. The common chutney i.e. karam or thokku is mixed with rice and then eaten


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